E-Rate Consulting Services

High-Quality Solutions to Meet the Needs of all E-Rate Applicants

E-Rate Consulting is a service offered by knowledgeable specialists at ESC Region 12 who provide high-quality solutions to meet the needs of all E-Rate applicants – public and private schools, and charter schools. Our E-Rate Specialists work with clients to utilize and effectively comply with federal program rules. Our goal is to manage the E-Rate process so that your district will achieve the maximum benefit from this federal program. 

  • Woman providing service with a smile

    E-Rate Works provides a turn-key solution for your E-Rate needs. We work to streamline the E-Rate process, maintain full compliance with the program rules, manage and store all E-Rate documentation on a secure website and develop audit readiness. We ensure that all prerequisites are in order before any form is filed on your behalf. This premium service allows clients the comfort of having E-Rate experts on their team to handle the intricate details of the federal E-Rate program. 

    Benefits include:

    • E-Rate Specialist dedicated to your district 
    • E-Rate Works Management System – cloud-based tool that helps manage all E-Rate forms  in an easy-to-use system
    • Document Manager – cloud-based storage for all E-Rate documentation
    • RFP Manager – electronic proposal submission system that showcases a fair and open 
      competitive bidding process for your school
    • Internal auditing of all E-Rate invoices
    • Review, assessment and reconciliation of previous funding years
    • Children’s Internet Protection Act compliance review
    • Discount rate analysis and optimization
    • Forms preparation and submission (includes 470, 471, 472, 479, 486, and 500)
    • USAC application review support (all PIA and  invoice reviews)
    • Any additional special needs pertaining to the E-Rate process
  • Appeal and Waiver Support assists applicants in reversing any denial decisions on applications made in error by USAC or the FCC. Our support covers all the research necessary to determine the facts of the situation, gathering all necessary documentation, and submitting the appeal request to the proper authority- USAC or the FCC.


    Benefits include:

    • High success rate in meritorious awards
    • Superior quality & experienced staff 
    • Vast knowledge of all appeal decisions from which to cite for current appeals and waivers
  • RFP Manager is an electronic proposal submission system that showcases a fair and open competitive bidding process for E-Rate procurements.  E-Rate vendors have access to all posted RFPs and have the ability to submit questions and upload proposals in the system.  On average, districts save 10 hours of time by outsourcing this tedious process to our expert E-Rate team.

  • ESC Region 12's E-Rate Consulting Complimentary Help Desk is a FREE service that is offered to all E-Rate applicants throughout the state of Texas. As the former Texas State E-Rate Coordinator's office, we continue to provide E-Rate assistance and support to applicants in need.


    We provide basic phone and email support to applicants as well as service providers to assist them in the E-Rate process. Our goal is to make sure everyone has the support they need to make informed decisions about their E-Rate applications.


    If you are an applicant or service provider, please feel free to contact our office for the support you need.


    Help Desk

    Phone: (254) 297-2920
  • E-Rate OnCall provides expert consultation and guidance during the funding year at your request. This hourly support contract allows your school to turn to us on demand when consultation is necessary.


    Below are some examples of what might be reviewed:

    • FCC E-Rate documents (including, but not limited to, Forms 470/471/486/472, etc.)
    • Any district E-Rate documents (including, but not limited to, competitive bidding documents, evaluation templates, invoice documents, etc.)
    • E-Rate correspondence (including, but not limited to, PIA, Selective Reviews, Audits, etc.)
    • District and vendor E-Rate contracts
    • E-Rate Request for Proposal (RFP) or other similar district documents
    • FCC applications created by the district
    • Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Compliance Review
    • General E-Rate issues (i.e.: local/state purchasing regulations, gift rules, etc.)


    Benefits include:

    • Expert staff that have been involved in the E-Rate program since its inception
    • Quality guidance based on current program knowledge
  • E-Rate Training allows E-Rate applicants to understand what it means to stay in compliance with the ever-changing federal regulations in today’s information age. We provide you with the flexibility to meet your needs by offering in-person or via webinar training. Our training platforms are based on customized topics that are important to your school/library/service provider/state agency.

    Services include:

    • Customizable on-site training
    • Assistance with assembling your E-Rate team
    • Assistance with tracing entire E-Rate process throughout the district
    • Clear flow chart for managing your E-Rate program
  • Is your 10-year E-Rate document retention in check? Document Manager can help! This service is included with E-Rate Works, but is also available as a stand-alone service. 

    This service allows you to streamline your E-Rate data into one easy, secure location. Eliminate the paper clutter and store your E-Rate documents electronically for a full 10 years from the last date of service. Document Manager is an extremely cost-effective solution to help your school and/or library be audit-ready.

    Options include: 

    • Document Manager - Self Service: District personnel scan and upload all documents.
    • Document Manager Works: ESC Region 12 E-Rate personnel organize, scan and upload all documents by funding year.


    Contact us today for a quote.

    Phone: (254) 297-2920

Please complete the following information to request a proposal and a team member will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for considering ESC Region 12 E-Rate Consulting!

Contact Name
Organization Name
Phone Number
Type of Entity
Which service(s) are you interested receiving a proposal for? Select all that apply.
E-Rate Consulting Services
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2930
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2919
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2928
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2906
Department Assistant
(254) 297-2915
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2926
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2907
E-Rate Analyst
(254) 297-2927
Lead E-Rate Specialist Marketing
(254) 297-2929
Assistant Director
(254) 297-2913
(254) 297-2914
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2904
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2923
Lead E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2922
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2916
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2909
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2905
E-Rate Specialist
(254) 297-2925
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