Safe & Healthy Schools

Promoting school safety and a well-rounded education for all students 

ESC Region 12 offers professional development, expert support and guidance in meeting Title IV, Part A state and federal requirements, including student access to a well-rounded education, improving school conditions for student learning, and improving the use of technology to increase academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.


On this page you will find informative updates and high quality training to support counselors, public school health care providers, health educators, physical educators, school nurses and other school staff members designated to ensure the health and wellness of Region 12 children. 


Learning and health are interrelated, and schools play a critical role in promoting the health and safety of our young people.


Benefits include:

  • Training on mental health needs of students and staff. Participants may include teachers, school administrators, parents, families, nurses, counselors, school resources officers, and other school staff
  • Training on school safety, and school conditions for student learning is provided in order to create a safe and healthy school environment
  • Guidance in the creation of EOPS
  • School Safety Audit completion
  • Instruct and train in Threat Assessment coordination


Title IV, Part A quick start resources:

Health &


Suzanna Avalos, DHA, MSN, BSN, RN 

(254) 297-1258


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Counseling &
Mental Health


Jeni Janek, M.Ed., LPC

(254) 297-1124


Jennifer Serrato, M.Ed.

(254) 297-1172


Becky Lane

(254) 297-1137



Heather Wheeler, M.Ed.

(254) 297-1166 

Mental &
Behavioral Health


David Baker, LPC, LPC-S

(254) 229-0490

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) has a central place to report child abuse and neglect, or abuse, neglect, self-neglect, and exploitation of the elderly or adults with disabilities living at home.


If you suspect abuse or neglect of any kind, call the Abuse Hotline toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nationwide, or report with the secure DFPS website and get a response within 24 hours.

  • School security audits are reported to the Texas School Safety Center in 3-year cycles.  ESC Region 12 provides leadership ad consultation to school districts for the successful completion of the audit process by providing multiple service options that may offer convenience and efficiency for school district personnel.


    Services include:

    • Support by ESC Region 12 Crisis Recovery Team
    • Consultant assistance for completing audit
    • Technical assistance in planning and supporting a safe and secure learning environment
  • The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) provides consistent, clear, shared language and actions among all students, staff and first responders, that can be applied in any emergency. 

    The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) referenced in the video below was developed by the "I Love U Guys" Foundation.

    View the Texas School Safety Center’s Standard Response Protocol Video >

  • ESC Region 12 partnered with STOPit Solutions and, through the use of grant funding, offered its nation-leading Anonymous Reporting System and SEL Programs at no cost to our school districts. These programs empower students and staff to report inappropriate behavior, mental health, and safety issues to administrators at their school to ensure the safety and well-being of fellow students and staff.


    While the grant funding is no longer available, you can learn more about the partnership here.



    Heather Wheeler


  • State law requires every Texas school district to adopt an attendance accounting system that includes procedures to ensure the accurate recording and reporting of student attendance data.  The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) contains the official attendance accounting requirements that all public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools in Texas must meet.  


Counseling Services offers expert assistance, information updates, including legislative and legal mandates, and support for initiatives in public education that enhance student development and academic achievement.


Button for Counseling Page

  • Contact:

    Jeni Janek, M.Ed., LPC

    (254) 297-1124



    The Counselor Membership offers the latest professional development, expert assistance, information updates, legislative mandates, and networking with professional counselors in an effort to enhance school campus achievement and performance.


    Benefits include:

    • Guidance and support for ethical and legal accountability
    • Updates regarding legal mandates\
    • Crisis Response Team (CRT) and Crisis Prevention and Intervention (CPI)
    • Licensed Professional Counseling (LPC) and Continuing Professional Development (CPE) Credits
    • Counselor trainings and workshops provided at no additional cost
    • Discount for student presentations/assemblies
    • Additional resources and tools to support statewide initiatives relevant to school counseling as needed


    Learn more >

  • Below is a Parent Conference template developed to guide the conversation between educators or administrators and parents.


    Parent Conference Template

  • Student Development Presentations provide affordable and locally accessed student presentations that are motivating, engaging, and inspiring led by experienced speakers trained in youth counseling.


    Presentations provide:

    • Research-based presentations such as bullying prevention, making healthy choices, positive peer interaction, crisis prevention, conflict-resolution, and digital citizenship
    • Use of inspirational and interactive activities to create a motivational atmosphere that leaves a positive impact on student audiences
    • Age and grade-level appropriate terms and up-to-date references to help students connect with message
    • Socially appropriate instruction

Coordinated School Health commonly consists of 8 components that encompass all aspects of the school environment.  The components interact to function as a unified system.  These components incorporate:

  • Development of cognitive skills
  • Development of policies that support a positive psychosocial and hazard-free environment
  • Promoting the well-being of youth through families and  communities
  • Fostering staff wellbeing

The Ten Components of Coordinated School Health:


  1. Physical education and physical activity
  2. Nutrition environment and services
  3. Health education
  4. Social and emotional climate
  5. Physical environment
  6. Health services
  7. Counseling, psychological and social services
  8. Employee wellness
  9. Community involvement
  10. Family engagement
  • Contact:

    Suzanna Avalos, DHA, MSN, BSN, RN 

    (254) 297-1258



    The Coordinated School Health Membership is designed for public school health care providers, PK-12 health educators, PK-12 physical educators, school nurses/healthcare providers and other school staff designed to ensure the health and wellness of district children.  Members receive up-to-date information on the latest health priority areas to enable district personnel confidence and reliable health care information.  


    Participating schools receive:

    • Accurate and timely notification of health related requirements
    • A liaison between national, state, and local health agencies
    • Information dissemination to healthcare providers and educators via email and website
    • Research-based instruction and technical assistance in healthy lifestyles and living, and physical educations teachers to improve the health and fitness of youth and staff
    • Documentation of training and technical assistance to state funding agencies
    • Relevant legal issues related to all areas of health and fitness
    • Trainings and workshops provided at no additional cost
    • Vision, hearing, and spinal screening training
    • Relevant information regarding health and fitness
    • CPR/AED and first aid sessions provided free or at a reduced cost
  • Foster Care & Student Success, housed in Texas Education Agency’s Division of Federal and State Education Policy maintains resources and information to advance the education of student’s impacted by foster care.  The resources and materials provide guidance related to the unique circumstances surrounding students who are in the foster care system and attend Texas public schools


    ESC Region 12 Foster Care Resources

    Region 12 Foster Care Guide

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NEW! Region 12 Asset Maps & Template. Local mental health authorities, children's advocacy centers of texas, health & human services department of public health offices, support system template. download now.