Title III, Part A: Bilingual/ESL Support Services
ESC Region 12 provides expert assistance and best practices professional development to ensure success for Emergent Bilingual (EB) students.
The Bilingual and ESL Support team offers direction and leadership for implementation of Bilingual and ESL Programs.
Services include:
- Accountability & Compliance Reporting: Provides assistance in completing the Title III, Part A section of the ESSA Consolidated Federal application and compliance report. Provides assistance in interpreting the Bilingual/ESL PEIMS code guide.
- Certification Preparation: Provides training for educators seeking their ESL or Bilingual certification.
- Federal & State Guidelines: Disseminates information and provides expert assistance related to federal and state guidelines that address both the needs of Emergent Bilingual (EB) students as well as program requirements and timelines including assistance Language Proficiency Assessment Committees/Guidelines.
- Federal & State Testing: Disseminates information, provides expert assistance, professional development and support related to state assessments such as STAAR, STAAR Spanish and TELPAS.
- Parent Involvement: Provides PD and assists districts with implementation of effective strategies that involve parents of EB/EL students in the education of their children.
BESA Awards 2024
Contact Us
Amberly Walker
Education Specialist/Coordinator
(254) 297-1251
Faith Foster
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1247
Upcoming Trainings
ESC Region 12