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Women listening during an MTSS Leadership session

Response to Intervention (RTI) Support

Two women take notes in a MTSS Leadership session

ESC Region 12's Response to Intervention (RTI) Support program provides professional development through training, technical assistance, and leadership to district and charter school personnel. The program is based on both federal legislation and a statewide initiative.

Technical assistance to LEAs is offered to develop a district/campus framework that addresses the needs of all students through a continuum of services which provide high-quality instruction and tiered intervention strategies aligned with individual student needs for grades K-12.


Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

MTSS Logo: shows three overlapping circles. One says RTI, one says PBIS, one says SEL

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework is a focuses on intervention within the areas of academics, behavior, and social-emotional learning. Each area follows the 3-tier system moving from general support to targeted and intensive interventions.

The goal of MTSS is to identify struggling students early and quickly provide intervention. Additionally, students who are working at or above grade level receive appropriate practice and extension. This ensures that all students get what they need to be successful in school.

We are here to support districts as Texas transitions to this comprehensive student support model.

Training topics include:

  • RTI/MTSS Laws & Guidance
  • Evidence-Based Practices
  • Data-Driven Instruction
  • Conducting a PLC Meeting
  • Differentiation


  • Creating Intervention Plans
  • Documenting & Evaluating Accommodations
  • Classroom Interventions

Program Review

A man listens closely during MTSS Leadership session

The ESC Region 12 provides program reviews to help campuses and districts determine if their processes are in compliance with federal and state guidelines in addition to established best practices. This includes an in-depth review of student folders, documentation, processes, and the district handbook. The review culminates with a full report that provides a summary of the findings including strengths, opportunities for growth, and suggestions for improvement.