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School Finance

School Finance Agent Nick Brown gives presentation

The School Finance Department provides Superintendents, Business Managers, Finance Directors and Transportation Directors with expert assistance, professional development opportunities and trainings.

Services include:

  • Assistance with transportation reporting
  • Professional development opportunities for all levels of experience
  • Individualized finance training with Superintendents, Business Managers and/or School Boards
  • Public Funds Investment Act – Investment Officer Training

Financial Benchmarking

The Financial Benchmarking Service assists school districts with three critical areas of financial management. Superintendents, Business Managers and Finance Directors will receive periodic reports from Region 12 School Finance Department that assist them with revenue projection, cash flow management and help them stay in compliance with state and federal programs.

  • Calculation of state funding each attendance cycle, based on changing student attendance and demographic data
  • Cash flow analysis, estimation of cash position and comparison of revenues to expenditures performed monthly
  • Calculation of compliance with state and federal programs, performed semi-annually, for IDEA MOE, ESEA MOE and state allotments

State Funding Template and Cash Flow

The State Funding Template and Cash Flow Service provides school districts with assistance with two critical areas of financial management. Superintendents, Business Managers and Finance Directors will receive periodic reports in the area of state and local revenue projection and in analysis of cash flow and calculation of cash position.

  • Calculation of state funding each attendance cycle, based on changing student attendance and demographic data
  • Cash flow analysis, estimation of cash position and comparison of revenues to expenditures performed monthly

State Funding Template

The State Funding Template provides school districts with assistance and financial management. Superintendents, Business Managers and Finance Directors will receive assistance calculating state funding each attendance cycle, based on changing student attendance and demographic data.
