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Four people sit around a table looking at a large screen with a video conference on it

The Technology Alliance for Statewide Initiatives supports K-12 educators statewide by providing videoconferencing services that save valuable time and money in travel.

TASI is funded by the twenty Education Service Centers and the Texas Education Agency.  Some examples of videoconferences scheduled on TASI include administrative meetings, professional development, Legislative and policy updates, public hearings on Commissioner rules, and peer collaboration for special education specialists. 

TASI also supports students through dual-credit courses, High School courses, and virtual field trips.

TASI Digital Recordings

TASI digitally records all statewide videoconferences. The ESC Region 12 is covering the cost of the TASI's so that Region 12 districts do not have to be a member of a COOP to receive access to recorded events.  Recordings are accessed by using a computer and are protected by an access login.

TASI Requests

All TASI sessions can be registered for at this link: TASI Registrations.  If you would like access to the recording of a TASI, please contact the ESC Region 12 specialist over the session.

Contact Us

Josh Essary

Josh Essary
Internal Training Coordinator
(254) 297-1250

Communication Standards

First page of the PDF file: CommunicationStandardsGuide