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Teacher Incentive Allotment

TIA Lead Melissa Cox leads a presentation

The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) elevates the education profession by providing districts with systems and funding to recruit promising new teachers, retain their best teachers, and incentivize teachers to work in high-needs schools and difficult to staff positions.

TIA is built for Texas school districts to designate and reward top-performing teachers. Teachers can earn one of three levels of designation – Recognized, Exemplary, or Master. Teachers with a National Board certification may be designated as Recognized.

Teacher Incentive Allotment logo shows state of Texas in blue

The vision of TIA is to support districts in building, expanding, and sustaining strategic compensation systems that are able to differentiate teacher effectiveness in all content and grade areas. These systems will prioritize teacher learning and student outcomes; connect to campus and district best practices; incentivize teachers to stay; support more robust recruitment; and make the educator profession more desirable.

Learn more about TIA


Services include:

  • General Teacher Incentive Allotment Support: Support services include reviewing and providing application feedback and providing ongoing technical assistance through application submission including TEA feedback cycles.
  • Teacher Observation: Technical assistance varies and can include the review of district-created rubrics, the creation of observation schedules, T-TESS initial training or refreshers, calibration practice, cross-campus calibration walks, alignment of teacher observation to student growth measures, personalized professional development, and more.
  • Student Growth Measures: Available supports include reviewing and providing feedback on selected student growth measures, professional learning on implementing pre-and-post-tests, Student Learning Objectives (SLO), and portfolios.
  • Data Analysis: Our team offers data submission and analysis support such as analyzing district-provided teacher observation and student growth data for determining designations and more.
  • Spending and Strategic Compensation: Region 12 offers feedback on spending plan communication, stakeholder engagement, and funding allocation.

Contact Us

Melissa Cox

Melissa Cox
TIA Lead
(254) 297-1140

Shirley Strong

Shirley Strong
National Board Certification
(254) 297-1140

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