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Texas Strategic Staffing

A woman stands infront of a group, leading a meeting

Partnered with an Educator Preparation Program and ESC Region 12, you'll create a customized pathway for residents who take on instructional duties while completing a year-long residency.

Texas Strategic Staffing

Expand your district's teacher pipeline through a paid teacher residency program! Partnered with an Educator Preparation Program and ESC Region 12, you'll create a customized pathway for residents who take on instructional duties while completing a year-long residency. This sustainable program allocates district resources to compensate residents while recruiting them to fill teacher vacancies with year-one-ready educators.

Email us for further details on our Design, Implementation, and Sustainability Phase pricing structures tailored to your student enrollment and resident placements.  

Contact Us

Shirley Strong

Shirley Strong
Asst. Director, Strategic Leadership
(254) 297-1140