Leadership Planning & Support to facilitate Scheduling, Staffing and Communications

Leadership Planning & Support


As we navigate the day-to-day events of COVID-19, TEA has asked that all questions be sent directly to their inbox at disasterinfo@tea.texas.gov.


If you are working directly with an ESC staff member on answers to your questions we encourage you to continue that communication. Our team members are in daily direct contact with TEA staff. Thank you for your patience as many questions cannot be answered at this time. 


We have compiled templates and resources to help facilitate communication with these stakeholders. Please find links to those resources below.


This page will be updated as more resources become available.

Need Help?

Administration & Leadership:

Jessica Torres
(254) 297-1118


Russ Meggs



(254) 451-7041

NEW! COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit for Schools & Childcare Programs


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently put out a COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit for School Settings and Childcare Programs, which can be used by education leaders to communicate with their teachers and other staff about the vaccination process. The toolkit provides ready-made materials, including posters, flyers, letters to staff, social media messages, newsletter articles and stickers to offer staff after they have been vaccinated.


Districts that are experiencing physical closures for extended periods due to COVID-19 will require different means of communication and instructional delivery. ESC Region 12 has put together the following suggested guidelines to support district efforts in regards to communication and delivery of content. 
    • Designate regular meeting times with your leads and leadership team via Zoom (or a similar platform)
      • Set an agenda that focuses on current challenges and how to address those challenges.  
      • Take minutes and issue the minutes after the meeting with action steps, who is taking care of the action, and when it is to be done by.  Use these action steps as a basis for the next meeting agenda.
    • Make sure leads are coordinating with their teams to disseminate information and get assistance with action steps.
    • Continually update the district on decisions being made (daily right now, and assess as the situation continues) so they can support your plans and so you do not have contradictory information being delivered.
    • Disseminate information to families going forward about free internet during this time through meal pickup points, Facebook, Twitter, text messaging, phone call outs, etc.
    • Determine the extent of Wi-Fi capability amongst families so you can know how many paper copies you need to make.  Designate one staff member to be in charge of receiving files to be copied for students and handoff to distribution points with set times.
    • Create online learning opportunities through social media platforms and recordings that can be uploaded into Google Classroom, Canvas, etc.
      • If possible, create DVD’s with recorded content that can be distributed to those families that do not have access to web capable devices/internet.
    • Set "office hour" times for students to get help on work through virtual opportunities such as Google Hangouts.  Set up the system by coordinating with your lead teachers and administrative team.
    • Use the platforms at your disposal to communicate in regards to delivery of content, Wi-Fi services, food service, and any other pertinent information that is needed for families.  You may be one of the few legitimate sources of information that they are receiving (many get their information exclusively through social media, which may or may not be correct).
    • When you have more information on COVID-19 testing centers and the procedures for being tested, push that out as quickly as possible.
    • Keep a pulse beat on staff and families that are having a difficult time.  Reach out via phone to them to check on them and let them know you are there for them (use your leadership team to help with families – for the staff; the principal should be the one to call).
    • Some schools have staff reading books aloud on Facebook Live or YouTube.  This may be a good way to keep a positive spin on events and show the importance of reading.
    • When meeting ensure that all of your staff are heard, this will keep them invested in the process. 
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the importance of communicating clearly and effectively with families, students, staff and school communities.


    The Donovan Group has launched www.EngageEquitably.org in partnership with Brooklyn LAB Charter Schools. This website includes a robust set of communication templates to help educational leaders communicate about a variety of situations that may arise during these challenging times.


    These templates include emails to families and staff, website language, phone or robocall scripts, video scripts, and news releases that address topics like positive COVID-19 cases, health and prevention, school scheduling, instruction and school meals. They also address specific situations, such as closing a classroom or section of a school and communicating instructional changes for students with special needs.


    Over time and as circumstances demand, these templates will grow and expand.


    It is important to note that these tools were developed in partnership with and informed by educational and public-health experts, including at organizations such as the Educating All Learners Alliance, the National Center for Learning Disabilities and the Parabola Project (which is affiliated with Brigham & Women's Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health).

Districts that are experiencing physical closures for extended periods due to COVID-19 will not be able to staff their buildings and schedule students in their traditional manner.  ESC Region 12 has put together the following suggested guidelines to support district efforts in planning for the 2020-2021 school year.
  • Students entering their Freshman year in 2020-2021 will need to select their path in regards to their Personal Graduation Plans.  Districts can do the following to assist families in their selections:

    • Create videos and information pamphlets explaining the different pathways that students have to choose from and upload to their website.  Ensure links are posted on social media platforms.  Physical copies of the pamphlets can be handed out at food distribution sites.
    • Ensure the current course catalog is uploaded and accessible online via the website.  Ensure links are posted on social media platforms and copies are available for pickup at food distribution sites.
    • Set up “office hours” where counselors can be contacted in regards to questions.  Contact can be done through forwarded phone calls, Zoom, Facebook Instant Messaging, etc.  Ensure families know how to reach the staff and when the office hours are.
  • All students will have to select courses for the 2020-2021 school year.  In order to facilitate scheduling districts can do the following:
    • Ensure the current course catalog is uploaded and accessible online via the website.  Ensure links are posted on social media platforms and copies are available for pickup at food distribution sites.
    • Set up “office hours” where counselors can be contacted in regards to questions.  Contact can be done through forwarded phone calls, Zoom, Facebook Instant Messaging, etc.  Ensure families know how to reach the staff and when the office hours are.
    • Begin scheduling conferences with students that have not yet selected courses for 2020-2021.  This can be via phone, Zoom, etc.  Ensure students have alternate selections so if a class does not make you do not have to call back the student. 
  • Staffing of the school will require the completion of course selections as well as completion of ARD’s, 504’s, and LPAC meetings.  Any and all of those meetings can take place via phone, Zoom, etc., but they must occur before staffing and scheduling.

    • Once all course selections are complete, determine your staffing needs based on those selections.
    • Establish the committees that will be a part of the interview process and that they are comfortable doing so via the phone, Zoom, etc.  (It would be best to have a platform where you can see the individual being interviewed if you are requiring a practice teach)
    • Knowing that online learning may become a larger factor moving forward, districts may want to emphasize a focus on how candidates organize and deliver online content to remote students.
  • Master Scheduling once student selections are complete can be done typically with one to two individuals relatively quickly.  In our current situation, the best way to accomplish your scheduling would be to do so via Zoom or another online face-to-face program where one participant can have the camera on the master schedule board while the other assists.  If this is not possible, one person can create the schedule and take pictures to send to other staff members to input into your scheduling management system.  ESC Region 12 can assist via zoom if you need help in building your schedule.
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For assessment information, visit the TEA Coronavirus page and scroll towards the bottom for the Assessment section.