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Curriculum & Instruction

General Education Assistant Director Denise Gilbert gives presentation during Instructional Coaches Academy

High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM)

Courtney Ingram
(254) 297-1160

This free resource helps Texas educators use high quality instructional materials in virtual, in-person, and hybrid settings with professional learning and technology supports for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

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Instructional Material Review & Approval

Kathryn Allen
(254) 297-1268

The Instructional Materials Adoption processes require strategic planning by the district's curriculum, technology and textbook coordinators since the IMA appropriations include instructional materials, technology equipment and technology-related service.

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Instructional Coaching

Denise Gilbert
(254) 297-1272

The Instructional Coaching Service provides PK-12 teachers with job-embedded expert assistance and sustainable, relevant and customizable instructional support to improve teacher and student success. 


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On-Site Learnings & Trainings

Jennifer Conner
(254) 297-1153

With on-site professional development, our specialists come to you! Choose courses customized to meet your district's needs. 


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Reading Academies

Katie Holcomb
(254) 297-1143

These academies are provided based on House Bill 3, passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in June of 2019. We are excited to offer these mandated academies to Region 12.


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Lisa Cisneros
(254) 297-1189

The TEKS Resource System (TEKS RS) offers a comprehensive, customizable, user-friendly curriculum management system built on current research-based practices. 

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Math Academies

Denise Gilbert
(254) 297-1272

Math Academies are provided based on Senate Bill 1267, of the 87th Texas Legislature, 2021. These math academies are for teachers who provide mathematics instruction to students at the kindergarten through fifth grade level.

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Texas Lesson Study

Ginger Rowe
(254) 297-1126

Texas Lesson Study (TXLS) provides a framework for inquiry-based, campus-specific professional development for grades K-12, in any content area.


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Teacher Incentive Allotment

Melissa Cox

(254) 297-2942

The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) allows districts to incentivize teacher pay in order to compensate high performing teachers and encourage placement on rural or high-needs campuses. 

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