Campus Leadership
The ESC Region 12 Campus Leadership department supports campus and central admin leaders, such as principals, assistant principals, and principal supervisors by providing professional development, expert assistance and ongoing support.
Within the department are a variety of subsets, including the Continuous Improvement Team, Testing and Accountability and Data Management services. These services work collaboratively to ensure campus leaders are well-versed and supported in state and federal accountability requirements, assessment tools such as DMAC or Eduphoria and framework such as Effective Schools Framework to ensure student success.
The ESC Region 12 Campus Leadership department has the ability to provide support to campus and central admin leaders for the duration of their careers. Candidates interested in becoming an administrator can earn their certification through our 13-month blended model Principal Certification Program. Professional development is offered in required areas including professional development planning, team and culture development, AEL, T-TESS, and T-PESS. Campus leaders are encouraged to continue their professional growth through participation in the Texas Instructional Leadership model, Leadership Series and Principal Leadership Institute - all focused on ensuring a great campus leader by design, not chance.
Services include:
- Professional Development Planning
- DAEP Professional Learning Community
- Assistant Principal Academy
- Lead Like a Champion Series
- New Teacher T-TESS Orientation
- Effective Schools Framework Supports
- Leadership Consultations
- Master Scheduling Support
- School Improvement
Upcoming Trainings
ESC Region 12
ESC Region 12