Individual Graduation Committees (IGC)
First enacted with SB149 (2015), Individual Graduation Committees (IGC) allow students the option to graduate even though they have not passed all their EOC exams required.
A student who has failed no more than two EOC assessments, out of the number they must take, may receive a Texas high school diploma if the student has qualified to graduate by means of an individual graduation committee (IGC) determination.
Updates on Individual Graduation Committees (as of June 2021)
- HB1603 enacted by the 87th Texas Legislature removes the 2023 expiration date for individual graduation committees (IGCs) and allows TEA to investigate when 10% or more of the students graduate from a “particular” high school in a “particular year” with an IGC determination.
- HB999 enacted by the 87th Legislature allows students who are in 12th grade during the 2020-2021 school year to graduate regardless of the number of EOCs they have failed by going through the IGC process. This statue only applies to students who were enrolled as 12th graders during the 2020-2021 school year.