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Texas Virtual School Network

Three people using laptops

ESC Region 12, in partnership with the Texas Education Agency, serves as the Regional Liaison for the Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) and provides assistance and support to Region 12 districts interested in participating in this statewide network. 

The Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) catalog is available to help all public schools across the state meet their educational goals as well as the individual needs of their diverse students. The TXVSN catalog offers 90+ high school, Advanced Placement (AP®), and dual credit online courses approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and led by appropriately credentialed teachers trained in best practices for online instruction. All TXVSN courses have undergone a rigorous course review process to ensure alignment with all applicable course requirements, including the TEKS, national standards for quality online courses, and TXVSN accessibility standards for students with special needs.

Texas Virtual School Network Logo

Students may take TXVSN courses for initial credit or credit recovery along with traditional courses at their school. Students are not required to be physically present on campus during instruction to be eligible to generate the Foundation School Program (FSP) funding for a TXVSN course. Districts and charter schools can earn these funds based on a student’s successful completion of the TXVSN course, regardless of where the student is located while receiving instruction.

Benefits of the Texas Virtual School Network:

Contact Us

Josh Essary

Josh Essary
Internal Training Coordinator
(254) 297-1250